Sharing Elements
The project Sharing Elements explores the concept that we are as humans are not above matter, we are matter. With Sharing Elements Christien Meindertsma researched how much we are physically connected to the world around us. What am I made of? Where do my elements come from, and where do they go to? And how do I relate to all these elements of matter around me? Are the questions that were the starting point of the installation.
Together with interactive designers Joel Gethin Lewis and Reza Ali, Meindertsma designed an interactive installation that blends the analogue and the digital to create a visualization of the elements that make up all of our bodies. The installation was a place where visitors could see themselves reflected as an interactive cloud of elements that they are made of – from the abundant elements like Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Calcium, but also rarer elements like Phosphorus and Copper. The digital installation was accompanied by an exhibition that visualises the elements in our bodies, how much we need as human beings and how much of these elements is available on earth.
For Dutch Design Week 2021, Meindertsma was invited as ambassador to develop new work that deals with the relation between people and objects, to reflect on the subtheme of this year Things that Matter.
Links: Dutch Design Week 2021
Dutch Design Week /
Lisa Hardon
special thanks to:
Hardon, Joel Lewis, Reza Ali, Bart Grob, Plastic Soup foundation