Checked baggage 2004
Checked Baggage photobook was the first of two graduation projects by Meindertsma
for Design Academy Eindhoven. The books’ content is an exhaustive catalogue of
all the items confiscated from travellers in a one-week period at Schipol
airport. Everything from children’s cutlery to potato knives, hairdressers’
scissors to nail clippers were amongst the items seized and later photographed
and depicted in the book.
wanted to capture the strangeness of this situation; the confiscation of what were sometimes personal items at a
time when security was hightened, and to demonstrate it visually. 2000
books were published and with each one sold, the purchaser also received one of
the original confiscated items.
Baggage is mentioned in the book A History Volume II by Martin Parr.
CREDITS: with special thanks to Remco van de Craats