2016/ Arita 2016
The 2016/ Arita project was designed to celebrate the history and skills of the porcelain-making area of Arita in Japan. International designers were asked to respond to a brief which asked for objects that demonstrated the extraordinary skills of the region whilst also appealing to a new contemporary audience.
Meindertsma explored the historical relationship between this area of Japan and the Netherlands in her design: In return for the precious Japanese ceramics that 16th century Dutch traders brought to the Netherlands, they presented the Shogun of the day with gifts demonstrating European craft and skill, including Dutch linen. Models for Meindertsma’s porcelain objects were made using linen, and then reconstructed in ceramic.
The collection made use of a typical Arita glaze as well as a second innovative recycled glaze made from waste shards discarded by the 10 potteries contributing to the 2016/ Arita project. The ‘confetti’ glaze was a token of celebration for the amazing collaboration by all the craftspeople of Arita.
The collection is part of the project 2016/ Arita curated by Scholten & Baijings and Teruhiro Yanagihara. The porcelain is part of the collection t.e.
COMMISSIONED BY: 2016/ Arita, Saga Prefecture
SPECIAL CREDITS: Fujimaki Seitou